Celebrating Treaty Day 2021

Happy Treaty Day 2021!

Today, April 3rd 2021, we celebrate the 12th anniversary of our Treaty coming into effect. Although we are unable to gather and celebrate together, we hope that all Members will join us in our virtual celebration this year!

All Members aged 18+ will have received a mail-out that includes a list of Tsawwassen songs sung in hənqəm’i’nəm. You can listen to the playlist here: https://tsawwassenfirstnation.com/about-tfn/our-nation/ (scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Our Treaty Day video celebrates Tsawwassen Lands, allowing you to see some of the recent developments taking place in the community.

Watch it on our website here:  https://tsawwassenfirstnation.com/videos/

hay čxʷ q̓ə to all Members of Tsawwassen First Nation, for all that we have accomplished together over the last 12 years!