Tsawwassen First Nation Calls for Proactive Action Following BC Ferries Oil Spill in Salish Sea

Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN) is deeply concerned about the recent spill of 800 litres of hydraulic oil by a BC Ferries vessel in the Salish Sea, an area where our Members exercise their treaty rights and rely on for cultural and environmental sustenance. This incident underscores the growing risks posed by aging ferry infrastructure and the need for more rigorous oversight and preventive measures. 

TFN seeks to be an active participant in the protection of the Salish Sea, and this event is a stark reminder that stronger, proactive measures are required to safeguard this vital ecosystem. As stewards of these waters, we are committed to ensuring that such preventable environmental damage does not occur again. 

“BC Ferries operates several aging vessels, and this spill highlights the increasing likelihood of similar incidents unless immediate action is taken to improve fleet maintenance and oversight,” said Chief Laura Cassidy. “Our Nation wants to play an active role in protecting the Salish Sea, where we exercise our treaty rights, and we expect our treaty partners—Canada and British Columbia—to do the same.” 

We are calling on the federal and provincial governments, as regulators of marine industries and TFN’s treaty partners, to be more proactive in addressing the risks posed by aging maritime infrastructure. This is not only a matter of environmental responsibility but also a fundamental obligation under our treaties. Stronger collaboration and preventive action are necessary to ensure compliance with safety regulations and to protect the waters that are integral to our way of life. 

TFN leadership is working closely with authorities to assess the impact of this spill, and we will continue to advocate for increased accountability and for a more sustainable approach to marine operations in our traditional territory. 

For further information or media inquiries, please contact:  

Callum Robinson  

Communications and Engagement Manager  

