A Message from Chief Ken Baird | COVID-19 Update

A Message for our Tsawwassen First Nation Community Members, from Chief Ken Baird swənnəset :
“Hello everyone,
Before I begin, I’d like to thank the Creator for another beautiful day on Mother Earth.
Hay čxʷ q̓ə to all our Members for your incredible efforts in keeping our community safe.
Our Elders for their guidance and leading the way, to our youth for their continued commitment, and everyone else who continues to stay the course, and make sacrifices for the safety of all.
Even though many of us now have our first dose of the vaccine, it does not give us 100% protection and even if it did, not everyone is vaccinated.
It is critical that we continue to wash our hands, wear masks, maintain social distance, avoid indoor gatherings of any size, and to follow the new provincial travel restrictions. There will come a time when we can safely travel for holidays and visit our family members again, but for now please stay close to home.
You can still socialize safely with the people in your household and can enjoy an outing to a patio within your bubble or by yourself. You can gather with up to 10 people outdoors but stick to the same 10 people and remember to maintain distance. Keeping active and continuing to connect with family and friends virtually can with help with any anxieties you may be experiencing.
If you missed the vaccine clinic and would like to get vaccinated, please reach out to Katie Alexander and she will help you access a vaccine. We expect the clinic for the second dose of the vaccine early in July.
I know this is hard on so many of you. We are all feeling very tired of the pandemic and the restrictions on our lives, but please hang in there, we will get through this together. […] Hay čxʷ q̓ə “
