Looking Ahead

Vision Statement

Our vision is very important in the context of self-government: as we move forward, we use the evolving Tsawwassen First Nation vision as a constant reminder of what we are trying to achieve, as laid out in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. It is a long-term, aspirational statement that should guide our work over the next five years.

“Tsawwassen Members are united, proud, and confident in our culture; are connected to and taking care of our lands and resources; and are healthy, self-reliant, and prospering.”


Looking Ahead

The Strategic Plan sets out priorities for the Tsawwassen Government for a five-year period. The plan is the result of comprehensive consultation with the TFN community – this includes workshops and visioning sessions with Members both on and off Tsawwassen Lands, as well as visioning sessions with Tsawwassen Legislature and Executive Council. During that consultation process we ask Members to look forward into the future, and envision the type of community they want to live in. Once drafted, the Strategic Plan is reviewed and endorsed by the Tsawwassen Legislature and Executive Council prior to being published.

Click here to review the Strategic Plan 2018-2023
