TFN Economic Development Corporation

The Tsawwassen Economic Development Corporation (TEDC) transacts commercial ventures to generate revenue and create employment opportunities for TFN Members and Member businesses.

It creates these revenues through partnerships, joint ventures and other development opportunities.


The mandate of TEDC is to keep TFN Members and the broader community informed on the Nation’s economic development activities and engage with the Membership in a meaningful way.

TEDC plays a leadership role in the creation of a sustainable economy for TFN by focusing on developing Tsawwassen’s land assets to generate revenues, create jobs and develop business opportunities for Members.

TEDC actively seeks partnerships that will generate short and long term land lease revenue, build Member capacity by providing training and employment, and respect the traditional values of Members as protected under the treaty.


TEDC was established Nov. 1, 2009 under the BC Corporations Act to develop Tsawwassen Lands in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner, and to facilitate business relationships.

This came just seven months after the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement between Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN), Canada and British Columbia — the first urban treaty in B.C. — came into effect on April 3, 2009.

The Final Agreement gives TFN a broad range of self-governing and law-making powers over its Membership, and a land base of 724 hectares. TFN is also a full member of the Metro Vancouver Regional District.
