Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all Tsawwassen Members. This week's agenda includes: Zoning Regulation Amendments (Lands) Electrified Parking Spaces Visitor Parking Housekeeping Amendments Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 890 5190 6388 Passcode: 264536 One tap mobile +16473744685,,89051906388#,,,,*264536# Canada +16475580588,,89051906388#,,,,*264536# Canada To join the meeting by phone dial 1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll-free) or...

Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Advisory Council meetings are open to all TFN Members.  This meeting will be dedicated to review of the following Schedules from Bill 001-2022, the 2022-2023 Appropriations Act. (*Please note that the meeting is starting 1 hour earlier than usual, at 4:30 pm.*) Schedule 1 - Administration Schedule 2 - Policy and Gov't Services Schedule 3A...

Advisory Council meeting

Advisory Council meetings are open to all TFN Members.  Agenda items include: Procurement Policy (Finance) Delegation of Authority Policy (Finance) Budget Amendment Regulation *tentative* (Finance) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 6373 4089 Passcode: 091725 One tap mobile +15873281099,,84963734089#,,,,*091725# Canada +16473744685,,84963734089#,,,,*091725# Canada To join the meeting by phone dial 1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll-free) or 1-888-475-4499...

Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all Members. Non-elected Members who attend will receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Agenda items include: Wills Program Policy Consultation on Advisory Council Code of Conduct Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 831 4968 2103 Passcode: 321210 One tap mobile +16473744685,,83149682103#,,,,*321210# Canada +16475580588,,83149682103#,,,,*321210# Canada To...

Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members will receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 820 9809 8792 Passcode: 332347 One tap mobile +16475580588,,82098098792#,,,,*332347# Canada +17789072071,,82098098792#,,,,*332347# Canada To join the meeting by phone dial 1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll-free) or 1-833-548-0276 (US Toll-free)...

Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Advisory Council meetings are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members will receive an honorarium for their time and contributions.  Agenda items include: Amendments to the Good Neighbour Regulation and the Ticket Regulation (Lands) Amendments to the Sign Regulation (Lands) Review of proposed Parks Regulation (PIGA/Legal) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 1242...

Advisory Council meeting

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Agenda: Review of Building Regulation Amendments Workshop #2 on Advisory Council Code of Conduct Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members will receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 9959 6154 Passcode: 066252 One tap mobile +15873281099,,81099596154#,,,,*066252# Canada +16473744685,,81099596154#,,,,*066252# Canada...

Advisory Council meeting

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

Advisory Council meetings are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members will receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Agenda items include: Infant and Toddler Grant Emergency Planning and Financial Assistance Regulation Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 823 4616 6910 Passcode: 333388 To join the meeting by phone dial  1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll-free) or...

Advisory Council meeting

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Tonight's agenda will include a discussion around recent community safety measures. Members can join the meeting in person or via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 811 3225 0834 Passcode: 082716 One...

CANCELLED – Advisory Council Meeting

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight's Advisory Council meeting has been cancelled.  Meetings of the Advisory Council are open to all TFN Members, and non-elected Members receive an honorarium for their time and contributions. Members can join the meeting in person or via Zoom. Agenda items include: Lot A and B RM1 Duplex Rezoning (Lands) Review...
