Community Safety Strategy Workshop

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Members and their families are invited to come and engage with our Community Safety Strategy team on what a safe and healthy TFN community looks like to you. Lunch will be provided and there are door prizes to be won!  

Community Safety Strategy Workshop

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

TFN Members and their families are invited to join us to engage with the Community Safety Strategy Panel and to win door prizes! (Note: This session is in place of the regular bi-weekly Advisory Council meeting). Executive Council has established a panel of experts to lead development of a new Community Safety Strategy. The Strategy...

Health Workshop on Diabetes

TFN Elders Centre 1908 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

All TFN Members welcome! This lunch and learn will provide all Members an opportunity to learn about diabetes and ask any questions they may have.  Professionals from FNHA will present on topics like the basics of what diabetes is, lifestyle changes, and proper nutrition. Lunch will be provided.  Private rooms for sensitive questions are available.

Seabird Mobile Diabetes Clinic

TFN Elders Centre 1908 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

For those living with diabetes or those who are curious about it. Appointments include testing blood sugar and cholesterol, checking kidney function, and diabetes education. Contact Hiral or Serena to make an appointment (604-908-3015 or 604-831-7970).

TFN Community Health Fair

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Join us for an excellent day packed full with health and wellness! Visit the various health and wellness professionals at their booths, win prizes, enjoy a healthy meal, and have FUN!

International Overdose Awareness Day

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Members and their families are invited to join the circle for a stigma-free evening of sharing and healing while discussing and learning about topics that matter. Feel free to contact Serena Dhami (604-831-7970) with any questions or concerns you may have.

Vaccination Clinic

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Are your vaccinations up to date? Members and their families are welcome to come to the Rec Centre 2:00-6:00 pm to have a public health nurse look up your records and get you up to date! Snacks will be provided. For more information contact Serena (604-831-7970)

Fitness Info Night

TFN Youth Centre 2300 Falcon Way, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Open to all TFN Members aged 13 and over. For more information please email Paul.

TFN BC Cancer Screening & Prevention Gathering

Nurse's Trailer 1937 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Women’s Screening & Prevention Presentation (Colon, Breast, Cervix, Lung Cancers) Men’s Screening & Prevention Presentation (Prostate, Colon, Lung, Penile, Testicle Cancers) Door Prizes Mobile Mammography Clinic

Mobile Hearing Clinic

Nurse's Trailer 1937 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Members: Please book your appointment with Serena (604-831-7970)
