TFN Sustainability Charter Community Visioning Session

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

All Members are invited to a Community Visioning Session for the TFN Sustainability Charter initiative, which will be facilitated by the consultant, Pinna Sustainability Inc. as well as a graphic illustrator from Elk Community Planning who will be recording your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, concerns graphically. This session is to listen and understand what sustainability means...

Indigenous-led Assessments – Community Presentation

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

sc̓əwaθənməsteyəxʷis undertaking Indigenous-led Assessments of two proposed major projects on Tilbury Island: The Delta Grinding Facility (DGF) and the Fortis Phase 2 LNG Expansion (LNG-X). TFN is working with Firelight Research Inc. to carry out community research and reporting for these TFN Indigenous-led Assessments. This means that impacts from the projects are assessed according to...

Ducks Unlimited TFN Habitat Projects Meeting

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

Members are invited to join us for an update on fish habitat restoration projects conducted by Ducks Unlimited Canada and partners and solicit input from TFN community about the projects and opportunities for TFN community involvement.  For those joining in person, the meeting will take place in the North Boardroom in the main Administration Office....

TFN Fish Trap Project Community Update Meeting

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

Open to TFN Members: this meeting will provide an update on the TFN Fish Trap projects next field season and share opportunities for members to work at, tour, and provide knowledge to assist with the operation of the project. For those joining in person, the meeting will take place in the North Boardroom in the...

Community Meeting on Roberts Bank Terminal 2

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

TFN Members are invited to join us to learn more about the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project at the Tsawwassen Recreation Centre at 1929 Tsawwassen Drive from 5-7pm. This meeting is open to TFN members to learn more about the project, what it means for Tsawwassen and to ask questions from Tsawwassen staff.

Virtual Community Meeting on RBT2 *New Date*

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

Members are invited to join us for a virtual meeting to learn more about the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project, what it means for Tsawwassen, and to ask questions to TFN staff.  This meeting is a follow-up for those Members who were unable to attend in-person information session that was held on June 27th. Click...

Information Session for Residents on RBT2

TFN Recreation Centre 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

Join us for a meeting to learn more about the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project! This meeting is an opportunity for leasehold residents to learn more about the project, what it means for Tsawwassen and to ask questions of Tsawwassen government staff. TFN Members are welcome to attend.

2023 Members Gathering

River Rock Casino Resort 8811 River Rd, Richmond, BC, Canada

SAVE THE DATE! The 2023 Members Gathering will take place September 21-24, 2023! Out-of-town Members can arrive on Thursday September 21st There will be events taking place on Tsawwassen Lands on Friday September 22nd The AGM, consultation sessions, and other activities will take place at the River Rock Resort Saturday September 23 and Sunday September...

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #1

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information.  This first meeting will provide an overview of the current habitat offsetting plan...

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #2

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information. This meeting will focus on the eelgrass and marshlands projects. Join on your...
