Latest Past Events

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #2

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information. This meeting will focus on the eelgrass and marshlands projects. Join on your...

Foreshore Clean-up – Day 1


TFN Members and Leasehold Residents are invited to participate in a foreshore clean-up with BC Wildlife Federation on October 26th & October 27th from 9:00am – 1:30pm. Lunch will be served & there will be a chance to win some prizes! Please make sure to register at the following link: Register Now - BC Wildlife...

Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting

TFN Lands Office - Large Boardroom 2460 Falcon Way, Tsawwassen

Then next AAC meeting will be hybrid, we will gather in person at the Lands office (2460 Falcon Way) and attendees will also have the option to join virtually via Zoom. Dinner will be provided at the Lands office. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 829 2230 9502 Yo join the meeting by phone, dial...
