Focus Group – Restoration of Lands and Waters

Teams meeting - online Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada

REQUEST FOR FOCUS GROUP PARTICIPANTS: Are you interested in restoring fish and plant habitat? Do you crab, fish, hunt, or gather plants or berries? We want to talk to you! Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN) is undertaking community consultation to gather feedback on improving habitat for plants and animals that share our lands and waters, which...

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #1

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information.  This first meeting will provide an overview of the current habitat offsetting plan...

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #2

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information. This meeting will focus on the eelgrass and marshlands projects. Join on your...

RBT2 Habitat Offsetting Community Meeting #3

TFN Administration Office - North Boardroom 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, Canada

TFN is holding 3 meetings with TFN Members to discuss and receive feedback on the proposed projects for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2). TFN Biologist, Kelly Scott, will be conducting these meetings along with representatives from the Port to provide additional information. This meeting will focus on mitigation for SRKW and food availability. Join on...
