Executive Council Message to Members for April 27, 2020

All of Executive Council took the time to craft a message to Members on Monday. Please read the transcript below if you’re unable to watch the video.

Chief Ken Baird: Good morning everyone. Before I begin, I’d like to thank the Creator for another beautiful day here on Mother Earth and for sharing these great lands with us. I am very pleased today to be joined by my fellow members of Executive Council: Valerie Cross, Steven Stark, Laura Cassidy and Louise Ahlm. Each of them will have a few important words to share with you today.

I want to take this opportunity to again thank Members and the Tsawwassen People for doing such a good on following the advice of our medical professionals by staying home, sheltering in place, protecting our Elders and avoiding contact with people who may be sick.

Louise Ahlm: To our knowledge, no member has contracted the COVID-19 Coronavirus and it has been of the utmost priority of Executive Council to keep it that way.

Valerie Cross: All of the actions that we’ve taken to date, such as closing traffic for local residents only, temporarily closing parks and playgrounds, enacting pedestrian right-of-way on Tsawwassen roads, and other such measures have all been done to ensure the health and safety of our Members on Tsawwassen Lands.

Steven Stark: But we want to let you know we don’t take all the credit. There’s a lot of Members and people in this community that have done a lot of great work to help provide support to our Members, our Nation, and our staff during this time of crisis. We’re hoping that you can share your stories with us of your neighbours, your friends, your families, and we’d like to understand your stories of your COVID-19 experiences. Things  that you’re doing at home, things you’re doing in the community, some of the projects you’re working on. We look forward to hearing from everybody and we thank you very much.

Laura Cassidy: We at Executive Council have a motto: No Member Left Behind. It means we don’t just focus on Members living on lands, or Members working for TFN, but we focus on all Members, each and every one, every day. Although there are signs that COVID-19 infections are declining throughout our province, we must continue to stay vigilant and follow the advice of the medical professionals. Okay, we know that can be difficult for Members, many of you may be in situations where you require support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to staff at TFN. We are here to help you through this time.

Chief Ken Baird: We also want to give you a heads up that the Tsawwassen First Nation Member Legacy Trust distribution for 2019 is coming soon. The amount of the Legacy Trust distribution is tied to the amount of income in the Legacy Trust and the performance of financial markets. In 2019 the markets were strong. The 2019 Legacy Trust distribution is significantly higher than it was for 2018 and it’s coming at a much needed time and I hope the Tsawwassen people will use it wisely and enjoy that money.

Louise Ahlm: Executive Council has been meeting via online every Tuesday and sometimes Thursday or Friday, so we’ve been doing that more than usual. So it’s sort of a new system but it’s working. If any of our Members want get a hold of us to let us know how their families are doing, if they’re coming into any hardships that we may not have thought of in a way we can help you, please reach out to us and contact us and we will do what we can to help you. Also we want to put our hands up and a big thank you to all the Members who have been going up and above by drumming within our community to lift up spirits of our Members and taking the initiative to pick up groceries for neighbours and families. Hands up to you. hay čxʷ q̓ə, thank you and see you all when we’re done through this.

Valerie Cross: May the sun bring you new energy by day. May the moon softly restore you by night. May the rain wash away your worries. May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through this world and still see and know its beauty all the days of your life. All my relations.

Steven Stark: I just want to recognize every Members on and off TFN Lands for all their contributions to our Nation. Everybody has a role within this community, each of their roles are different. Some are gatherers, some are fisherman, some are hunters, some are drummers, some are medicine people. Many other people in this community that help hold this community together. I just want to acknowledge all the great work that has happened in the past and all the work that’s going to happen in the future. This is one of many videos that we’ll be coming out with moving forward. We just want to raise our hands to each and every one of you again and wish everybody good luck and if you need anything please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions. Thank you.

Laura Cassidy: I just want to let you guys know that I really miss our Elder’s lunches. To all of you Elders that attend those, I really miss sharing those meals with you, seeing all your beautiful smiles and talking with you all. I look forward to the day when we can all get together again and enjoy those lunches. So until then we’ll be safe. I also want to do a shout out to all the TFN staff that are currently working. Even though the office is closed, I know many of you are working at home. I just want to let you guys know I’m very thankful for that. Thank you to all the social services team, all the Elders workers, all the Public Works, everybody that’s out there, and the ones that are really putting their health at risk. I really thank you for doing what you’re doing. Thank you. I know these are difficult times and it’s really important we all stay at home. COVID-19 has hit a couple of First Nation communities and so far I just want TFN Members to be safe. It hasn’t hit us yet so let’s all be safe, stay home, and be kind. Thank you, hay čxʷ q̓ə.

Chief Ken Baird: I realize we’re going through hard and troubled times and everybody together in this great country, other nations, other people, if we all come together and work as one we’ll get through this. I look forward to the time when we can have gatherings again. And give hugs. My niece and I practice air hugs. This is how we hug now. I really look forward to seeing you all again and God bless us all and we’ll get through this together. hay čxʷ q̓ə, much love, All My Relations.
