Honouring the Legacy of Bill Wilson: A Champion for Indigenous Rights

Tsawwassen First Nation is deeply saddened by the passing of Bill Wilson, known by his Kwak’wala name of Hemas Kla-Lee-Lee-Kla. Bill was a towering figure in the fight for Indigenous rights, and his impact is felt across our Nation and Indigenous communities throughout Canada.

Bill Wilson’s relentless pursuit of justice was pivotal in ensuring the inclusion of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Canadian Constitution, forever altering the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Crown governments. His lifelong commitment to the advancement of First Nations rights, women’s rights, and justice is a legacy that will endure.

As a Kwakwaka’wakw hereditary chief from Kwakiutl, Bill overcame personal adversity and worked tirelessly contributing to the creation of lasting institutions, including the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, the First Nations Summit, the BC Treaty Commission, and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.

On behalf of Tsawwassen First Nation, we extend our deepest condolences to Bill’s wife Bev, and his daughters Kory Wilson and Jody Wilson-Raybould. Their leadership and dedication continue to honour his legacy, and our thoughts are with them and their family during this difficult time.

Hemas Kla-Lee-Lee-Kla’s contributions to Indigenous rights will be remembered with deep respect, and we stand in support of his family as they navigate this profound loss.

Laura Cassidy (Chief)

Bryce Williams (Executive Council)

Taylor Baker (Executive Council)

Valerie Cross (Executive Council)

Louise Ahlm (Executive Council)
