Support your local Petro Canada Tsatsu Gas!

Now, more than ever, it’s important to support our local TFN and Member-owned businesses as we all weather this period of economic uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.

Tsatsu Gas, which rebranded last year under Petro Canada, has been more than just a gas station for Tsawwassen First Nation. As a TFN-owned business, the purchases made there come back to the Nation’s general revenues, allowing for reinvestment back into programs and services for Members.

As well, TFN Members receive a preferred member card offering 5 cents off gasoline purchases up to 200 litres every two months ($60 annual gas savings), giving back and rewarding its loyal customers.

Tsatsu Gas has been hit hard on several fronts in the first quarter of 2020. Not only has traffic volume been down due to the COVID-19 quarantine, the drop in oil prices has made it difficult to maintain the business, which continues to operate as an essential service.

Tsatsu Gas can be a source of convenience for Members at this time, who not only can purchase gasoline, but also food and drinks, preventing the need to drive to more crowded areas at this time.

We ask that you consider showing your support to Tsatsu Gas during this time, to keep a TFN business going forward strongly and proudly.

From your Executive Council,
Chief Ken Baird
Valerie Cross
Steven Stark
Louis Ahlm
Laura Cassidy
