TFN Chief Ken Baird April 7, 2020 Update on COVID-19

This is an important update from Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Ken Baird, on behalf of Executive Council, about the TFN Government’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.


Good afternoon everyone,

Before I begin, I’d like to thank the Creator for another beautiful day on Mother Earth.

Tsawwassen Members recognized the 11th anniversary of our historic Treaty on Friday, April 3rd. It wasn’t the usual circumstances, but I hope everyone had a good day, and stayed safe and well. We were able to do deliveries of small care packages on Lands. Members off Lands, please keep an eye on your mail.

Members have been telling us that the measures that went into place March 25th were not enough to stop the Tsawwassen Drive area from being a place of community congregation, where safe physical distancing measures are not being observed.

On Friday, Executive Council determined that additional pro-active measures are necessary to further protect Members from the danger posed by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. As such, Executive Council issued a full road closure at Tsawwassen Drive and 41B Avenue. Executive Council has also closed Tsawwassen Drive at Highway 17.

There are moveable barriers there to allow for emergency access if needed. Blue Heron Way remains open for local traffic only.

To our knowledge, nobody on Tsawwassen Lands has become infected with COVID-19 and we are grateful for that.

We believe the “shelter in place” protocol is working, and Executive Council appreciates the sacrifices Members and leaseholder residents have made by staying home.

As the weather gets better, we understand the temptation to go out and enjoy the world. But we ask for your patience and your restraint in waiting a little bit longer, until the provincial health officer says it’s safe for people to once again resume their normal routines.

Easter is also approaching. It’s a time when friends and families get together and share a meal. During this time, we encourage you to find other ways to stay connected.

Use the phone, try Facetime, or share photos and videos of Easter with each other. This way you continue to reduce the risk of infection, while staying connected to your loved ones.

At this time, I would also like to answer some questions we’ve been receiving.

If you’re a Member who’s been laid off from work, the Government of Canada has enacted a program called the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. They have also waived the one-week waiting period for Employment Insurance. Please contact Terry Baird at the information below to receive help through this process.

TFN is continuing to provide regular services to Members, including the delivery of hot meals, shopping for Elders and people with compromised immune systems, and providing health care and mental wellness support via the phone.

Please maintain your health and the health of your family by washing your hands with soap and water, avoiding close contact with people who are sick or showing signs of being sick, coughing or sneezing into your sleeve and not your hands, and staying home and sheltering in place.

You can still contact TFN Reception by calling 604-861-9242 and your call will be directed to the appropriate person.

70% of TFN’s staff continues to work, most of them from home, connected to managers with video conferencing. Executive Council continues to meet the same way.

We are continuing the work of this Government; despite the extra measures we must take to keep everyone safe.

Please continue to keep yourselves safe and shelter in place at home. Do not go out, except for the essentials of life. We’re all in this together, and together we can and will get through this.
