TFN Chief Ken Baird March 23, 2020 Update on COVID-19

This is an important update from Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Ken Baird, on behalf of Executive Council, about the TFN Government response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.


Good morning everyone,

Before I begin, I’d like to thank the Creator for another beautiful day on Mother Earth.

I’m speaking to you this morning from inside my home, where most people should be right now for the sake of their health and safety.

Executive Council is taking the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. As a government, we have prioritized supporting Tsawwassen Members during this challenging and unprecedented time.

We continue to engage with the federal and provincial governments about COVID-19 financial supports available for the Tsawwassen Government and Tsawwassen Members.

On Friday, March 20th, Executive Council held an emergency meeting and approved a COVID-19 financial support measure for Tsawwassen Members.

This measure was motivated by Executive Council’s and Legislature’s motto to “Leave no Member behind”.

Members are encouraged to contact the Finance department for more details.

We continue to prioritize the health and safety of the Tsawwassen community.

On Sunday, March 22nd, we closed Osprey Park playground, TFN Boardwalk access points, TFN Rec Centre playground, the TFN Sports Field playground and recreational apparatus, and the Falcon Way playground.

We will be monitoring the situation over the next few days. If necessary, a more extensive Parks and Open Spaces closure will be implemented.

Last Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Executive Council directed all staff who were able to work from home to do so.

Effective today, Monday, March 23rd, TFN is implementing a more extensive closure.

All TFN buildings, including the daycare, administration building, and Lands building, are closed.

All staff who can work from home are doing so. TFN reception can still be reached at 604-329-6215 and your call will be directed to the appropriate person.

Executive Council is encouraging everyone to “shelter in place”. This means:

  • Please stay in your homes and avoid contact with other people
  • If leaving the house for exercise, please go to areas that allow for minimal contact with others
  • Do not touch or use areas that have been used by others
  • Wash your hands regularly and use gloves and hand sanitizer outside the home
  • Please limit shopping to the essentials and buy enough to limit needing to go frequently

Please keep yourselves and others safe!
