Tsawwassen First Nation Celebrates Historic Milestone: Incorporation of Brunswick Point Lands

September 18, 2024 (Tsawwassen, BC) – Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN) has achieved a monumental step in implementing its treaty rights with the successful incorporation of 11 parcels of land in Brunswick Point into its jurisdiction. This significant achievement honours the vision and governance of TFN ancestors, who presided over these lands before colonization, and strengthens the Nation’s deep connection to its culture, traditions, and heritage. 

The incorporation of these lands represents the triumphant realization of a key commitment in the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement, signed by TFN, the Government of Canada, and the Province of British Columbia and came into effect in 2009. These lands, rich with history and woven into the very fabric of TFN’s identity, now fully fall under the Nation’s governance—empowered by TFN’s laws and regulations. This momentous step marks a powerful reaffirmation of TFN’s sovereignty and its enduring legacy for future generations. 

TFN’s vision for these lands reflects their commitment to food sovereignty and sustainability. The newly incorporated parcels will remain designated for agricultural use, ensuring local access to fresh, sustainable food for TFN Members, residents, and the wider community. TFN is dedicated to working in a respectful and collaborative manner with the current lessees of the parcels to promote shared goals of environmental stewardship, food sovereignty, and long-term sustainability. 

“This is a proud moment for our Nation. To reclaim the lands that our ancestors walked and protected since time immemorial is a monumental achievement. This accomplishment honours our Treaty, our Tsawwassen People, and supports Canada’s reconciliation efforts. Exercising jurisdiction over our lands exemplifies TFN self-government and effective treaty implementation. It is our duty to our ancestors to preserve and restore our lands in a way that allows our culture and heritage to flourish. Most importantly, this brings our People – current and future generations – and all residents of our beautiful Tsawwassen Lands, together in naut’sa mawt” said Chief sxʷamisaat Laura Cassidy, Tsawwassen First Nation.   

Key Facts: 

  • The Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement, signed by Tsawwassen First Nation, the Government of Canada, and the Government of British Columbia, and effective April 3, 2009, sets out the process for Tsawwassen First Nation to acquire and incorporate specified lands near Brunswick Point, that were historically governed by Tsawwassen First Nation prior to colonization. 
  • Tsawwassen First Nation is one of the first Modern Treaty Nations, negotiated under the BC Treaty Commission, to expand its lands post-Treaty. The lands came under TFN jurisdiction effective August 30, 2024. 
  • These lands, which were already owned by TFN, are contiguous with Tsawwassen Lands and represent approximately one-third of the area known as “Specified Lands” under the Treaty. TFN acquired the parcels in 2019 for fair market value. 
  • To incorporate the lands, TFN worked in collaboration with the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement Treaty partners, the Government of Canada, and the Government of British Columbia, as well as regional stakeholders, including the City of Delta and Metro Vancouver Regional District. 
  • TFN will continue to be committed to working with the current lessees of parcels and seek to establish long-term relationships rooted in shared values around food sovereignty and sustainability. 
  • Incorporating these lands helps Tsawwassen Members maintain their cultural ties and ways of life, while also supporting TFN and the broader community’s well-being. 
  • The land remains designated as agricultural and is to remain agricultural in TFN’s land use plan. 

As stewards of these lands, TFN reaffirms its responsibility to protect and nurture the environment, while fostering unity and respect among all residents of Tsawwassen. This milestone underscores the Nation’s enduring connection to the land and the waters, ensuring that future generations will continue to enjoy their beauty and abundance. 


Gary Anandasangaree, Federal Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

“We’re building a future grounded in respect, fairness, and lasting partnership. Integrating the Brunswick Point Lands into the Tsawwassen Final Agreement advances Reconciliation, upholds Treaty commitments, and delivers for the Tsawwassen Nation.”

Murray Rankin, Provincial Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation 

“The addition of 11 parcels of Specified Lands to Tsawwassen Lands affirms Tsawwassen First Nation’s historical and cultural significance over lands that the Tsawwassen People have lived on and governed since time immemorial. As a treaty partner, the Province fully supports this collaborative work. It will benefit the entire Tsawwassen, community for years to come.”  

George V. Harvie, Mayor of Delta

“On behalf of Delta Council, I want to congratulate Tsawwassen First Nation on this significant Treaty milestone. The City of Delta fully supports Tsawwassen First Nation’s right under its Treaty to incorporate Canoe Pass Lands at Brunswick Point to Tsawwassen Lands. This incorporation represents an important step forward in reconciliation and treaty implementation. It reflects the shared commitment between Delta and TFN to build a future founded on mutual respect, collaboration, and partnership. Together, we are strengthening our region, and I look forward to the continued progress we will achieve together.”

For further information or media inquiries, please contact: 

Callum Robinson 

Communications and Engagement Manager 

