Tsawwassen First Nation Takes Additional Health and Safety Measures

Despite the measures already implemented under the Tsawwassen First Nation COVID-19 Safety Plan, the Tsawwassen Drive area continues to be a place of community congregation, where safe physical distancing measures are not being observed.

As such, Tsawwassen First Nation Executive Council has determined additional proactive measures are necessary for the protection of public health.

As indigenous populations have been disproportionately harmed by pandemics, both recent and historical, it is the intention of Executive Council to ensure no Members are unnecessarily put at risk.

Despite orders from the provincial health officer Bonnie Henry, along with Premier John Horgan, for people to stay home and “shelter in place”, individuals continue to come onto Tsawwassen Lands for non-essential travel.

In order to immediately curtail this risk, and in coordination with our emergency services partners and other essential services, TFN is in the process of restricting traffic flow at crucial points of access to the TFN Member Housing Area.

TFN’s website and social media will be updated as measures are implemented.
