

Welcome to the on-line index of Tsawwassen First Nation Laws. Tsawwassen Laws are derived from the self-governing authority of the Tsawwassen First Nation. On April 3rd, 2009 (the Effective Day of the Tsawwassen First Nation Treaty Final Agreement), TFN became self-governing with the constitutional authority to make laws. Laws are passed by the Tsawwassen Legislature, the highest governing body of TFN.

This site is not the official Registry of Tsawwassen Laws, and in the event of a discrepancy between the on-line version of a law and the official Registry, the official Registry will prevail. The official Registry of Tsawwassen Laws is stored in hard copy at the TFN Administration Office, and can be accessed by request. Best efforts are made to keep the on-line index current with the official Registry.

This page was last updated March 12 2025

Laws are listed below in alphabetical order by title. To search regulations in alphabetical order visit our database here.

Appropriations Act
Children and Families Act
Community Safety and Security Act
Culture and Heritage Act
Education, Health and Social Development Act
Emergency Management Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Government Employees Act
Interpretation Act
Land Use Planning and Development Act
Members Guarantees Act
Property Taxation Act
Trusts Act
Children and Families Act
Community Safety and Security Act
Culture and Heritage Act
Emergency Management Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Government Employees Act
Interpretation Act
Members Guarantees Act
Trusts Act
Administrative Review and Judicial Proceedings Act
Community Governance Act
Conflict of Interest Act
Economic Development Act
Election Act
Financial Administration Act
Fisheries, Wildlife, Migratory Birds and Renewable Resources Act
Goods and Services Tax Act
Government Organization Act
Land Act
Laws Enforcement Act
Membership Act
Traditional Territory Boundary Commission Act
Administrative Review and Judicial Proceedings Act
Conflict of Interest Act
Economic Development Act
Election Act
Financial Administration Act
Fisheries, Wildlife, Migratory Birds and Renewable Resources Act
Goods and Services Tax Act
Government Organization Act
Laws Enforcement Act
Membership Act
Traditional Territory Boundary Commission Act